Centerpointe Kids
0yrs - 5th Grade
Jesus said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 19:14
At Centerpointe, we believe that all children are gifts from God, and we count it a great privilege to have the opportunity to guide them along their own personal spiritual journey using a wide variety of activities and worship opportunities. We believe that in this day and age children need Jesus more than ever before. He is the one friend who will never leave them. Our goal is for children to gain the knowledge and understanding of Salvation and Christian living that builds a foundation for the life God has for them. Our Sunday Classes, Kids Church, Puppet Shows, Kids MidWeek and Musicals focus on ensuring kids meet Jesus personally.
Matthew 19:14
At Centerpointe, we believe that all children are gifts from God, and we count it a great privilege to have the opportunity to guide them along their own personal spiritual journey using a wide variety of activities and worship opportunities. We believe that in this day and age children need Jesus more than ever before. He is the one friend who will never leave them. Our goal is for children to gain the knowledge and understanding of Salvation and Christian living that builds a foundation for the life God has for them. Our Sunday Classes, Kids Church, Puppet Shows, Kids MidWeek and Musicals focus on ensuring kids meet Jesus personally.
“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”
Psalm 127:3
From babies to fifth graders, our team wants to give your family an excellent & safe experience.
Kids Classes
Kids Classes take place every Sunday at 10:30am in the Kids Building. Classes are separated by grade and they are a lot of fun for your kiddos!
*Check-in Is Required
*Check-in Is Required
Kids Church
Kids Church takes place every Sunday except the last Sunday of the month. Kids Church takes place in the Kids Building directly following their classes.
Is There A Nursery?
Yes! Our nursery is located in the Worship Center and available every Sunday & Wednesday for newborn to 2yrs.
*Check-In Is Required
*Check-In Is Required
Check-In & Check-Out
Your child’s safety is our top priority so we have a mandatory check-in process. At the check-in station, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. This sticker is also what you will bring back to pick up your child after the service. Check-in is required for Kids Classes & the Nursery.
aka...Kids MidWeek
Kids MidWeek
Kids MidWeek takes place every Wednesday at 7pm except months with a 5th Wednesday. During those 5th Wednesdays, kids will stay with their parents
Your kids will be in a fun & safe environment where they will learn about God and the Bible!
Check-in Is Required
Your kids will be in a fun & safe environment where they will learn about God and the Bible!
Check-in Is Required
Power Hour
Power Hour takes place on the 2nd Wednesday of every month during Kids MidWeek at 7pm.
Instead of the kids splitting into classes, they all come together for music, fun and a great Bible lesson!
Check-in Is Required
Instead of the kids splitting into classes, they all come together for music, fun and a great Bible lesson!
Check-in Is Required
Is There A Nursery?
Yes! Our nursery is located in the Worship Center and available every Sunday & Wednesday for newborn to 2yrs.
*Check-In Is Required
*Check-In Is Required
Check-In & Check-Out
Your child’s safety is our top priority so we have a mandatory check-in process. At the check-in station, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. This sticker is also what you will bring back to pick up your child after the service. Check-in is required for Kids Classes & the Nursery.
Kids Director
Jennifer Tidrick